Friday, March 25, 2011

Working for the Weekend

I just stayed up all night (it's 6:10 AM) being responsible. To an extent. I did a little research in to what other kiddies (I've watched too much Tales from the Crypt, I tell ya) my age have in savings. It ranged anywhere from thousands of dollars in debt to spoiled rotten with 50k in the bank. But the general consensus was try to have anywhere from $1-$2k in the bank if you can help it, but focus on your school work! Most people were laughing at the thought of a 20 year old having a savings to begin with.
They were also lamenting their lack of funds.
Then I applied to about 6 more jobs back in Idaho (on top of the mountain of teachers I emailed, and my application already in to Wally World), and hopefully I'll hear back from one eventually. Not working this break has kicked my ass.
I found a great personal finance excel spreadsheet, so I nabbed that. I don't need it at to moment because I'm not exactly... earning money. But it'll come in handy down the line.
Then I spent many many hours searching for an apartment in or around Fort Collins, CO. Again. The goal is to find a cheap, pet friendly apartment. And I mean cheap. And I think I've finally succeeded. This place is about a half hour away from the campus, which is a little further than what I'd like, but in any case, the rent is a wonderful $375/month. Granted, it's a studio apartment no larger than my bedroom in MO, and rent does not cover electricity, but otherwise it's a rather great place. It's literally down the street from the grocery store, mall, and other key places - and it's in a nice neighborhood. The major holding-my-breath-til-I-know stipulation is the pet policy. They didn't post it anywhere, so I'll have to call them if I want to know.
Would it be odd to call an apartment complex with questions almost two years before you'd ever even move in? Hm..
After my apartment hunt, I decided to idly browse vehicles people were selling in CO. I found the Pizza Planet truck, so yeah I was mostly just messing around.
I wish I had been able to work up a larger savings. I feel like I have nothing, especially considering the larger scope of things. But I suppose I will have to manage, and hopefully be able to work something up in the next year and a half. At least enough to get me started and out on my own.
Here's hoping.

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